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Underlined names are Loyola graduate and undergraduate students.
Note: Due to copyright laws, many papers are not available for free download. Of those that are available,
some are only available in manuscript form and do not reflect the final published copy. Links to PDF versions of publications, or pre-publication versions, are provided when allowed. Many of our papers are available on Research Gate as well: See

IMPACT Lab Presentations 



Orzada, B., Knapp, K., Trottier, Z., & Conley, C. (2025, April 11). How language at post-intervention predicts psychological outcomes: An exploratory analysis of language trends using LIWC-22 [Poster accepted]. Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL.


Orzada, B., Knapp, K., Trottier, Z., & Conley, C.S. (2025, April 5). How language at post-intervention predicts psychological outcomes: An exploratory analysis of language trends using LIWC-22 [Poster submitted]. Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium, Chicago, IL.


Orzada, B., Knapp, K., Trottier, Z., & Conley, C.S. (2025, April 1). How language at post-intervention predicts mental health outcomes: An exploratory analysis on linguistic trends in a study using Headspace [Poster accepted]. Mental Health on College Campuses Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.




Broner, S.E., Conley, C.S., Hareli, M., Miller, L., & Rafaeli, A.K. (2024, March 13-15). Interpersonal Psychotherapy for College Students (IPT-CS): Feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of group modality. In L. Miller & A.K. Rafaeli (Chairs), IPT and IPC interventions for college and university students [Symposium]. International Society of Interpersonal Psychotherapy (ISIPT) 10th Biennial Conference. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.


Knutsen, J., Knapp, K., Broner, S., Hareli, M., & Conley, C.S. (2024, April 18-20). Thematic Analysis of Group Interpersonal Psychotherapy for College Students [Poster session]. Midwestern Psychological Association 2024 Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States.


Knutsen, J., Knapp, K., Broner, S., Hareli, M., & Conley, C.S. (2024, April 20). Group Interpersonal Psychotherapy for College Students (IPT-CS): A Thematic Analysis of Participant and Facilitator Content and Processes [Oral presentation]. Loyola University Chicago Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium, Loyola University, Chicago, IL. 



Broner, S.E., Hareli, M., Conley, C.S., Miller, L., Rafaeli, A.K. (2023, March 14-15). Group-based Interpersonal Psychotherapy for college students (IPT-CS): Results of a pilot, randomized-controlled trial (RCT) [Poster presentation]. Depression on College Campuses Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.

Hareli, M., Conley, C. S., Smith, Z. R. (2023, November 16-19). Bidirectional Relations Between Psychological Functioning and Academic Outcomes Among College Students [Poster presentation]. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 57th Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.

Hareli, M., Nowakowski, L. M., Gonzales, C.H., Conley, C.S., Asif, C., Rosenfield, J. (2023, March 14-15). A thematic analysis of the benefits of social-emotional skill-building in a career and life planning course on personal and professional success among college students [Poster presentation]. Depression on College Campuses Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.

Shack, M., Broner, S. E., Hareli, M., & Conley, C. S. (2023, April 22).  Recommendations for increasing cultural sensitivity in IPT for college students (IPT-CS). [Poster presentation].  Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium, Loyola University, Chicago, IL. 

Shack, M., Broner, S. E., Hareli, M., & Conley, C. S. (2023, June 2). Recommendations for increasing cultural sensitivity in IPT for college students (IPT-CS) [Poster presentation]. ABCT Student Research Symposium, Virtual.


​Arntson, D. R., Broner, S. E., & Conley, C. S. (2022, April 19-24).  Motivational interviewing as a technique to reduce non-suicidal self injury in college students. [Poster presentation].  Loyola University Chicago Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium, Loyola University, Chicago, IL. 

Asif, C., Conley, C. S., Hareli, M., Gonzales, C. H., Nowakowski, L. M., Rosenfield, J. (2022, June 27-29). Integration and assessment of emotional intelligence in a career development course. [Conference session]. National Career Development Association Global Career Development Conference, Anaheim, CA

Chamberlain, M., Gonzales, C. H., & Conley, C. S. (2022, April 19-24). The impact of a mindfulness mobile application on compassion and psychological well-being: Update with mediation models. [Poster presentation].  Loyola University Chicago Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium, Loyola University, Chicago, IL. 

Huguenel, B., Gonzales, C. H., Kahrilas, I., Silton, R., & Conley, C. S. (2022, November). Motivational predictors of sustained adherence to a mindfulness app [poster session]. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 56th Annual Convention, New York, NY.

McGaughey, V. G., Hareli, M., & Conley, C. S. (2022, April 19-24).  Racial and ethnic representation in clinical psychotherapy research. [presentation].  Loyola University Chicago Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium, Loyola University, Chicago, IL.

Rauch, A. A., Banerjee, S., Gerogargas, A., Kahrilas, I., Polnaszek, K. L., Roth, G., Gonzales, C. H., Huguenel, B., Duffecy, J., Conley, C. S. & Silton, R. L. (2022, May 26-28). Positive affective facilitates a reduction in depression symptoms during a mobile mindfulness-based intervention. [Poster presentation].  Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

Shack, M., Broner, S. E., & Conley, C. S. (2022, April 19-24).  Facilitators and Barriers to Mentor-Mentee Relationships in a Mental Health-App Intervention. [Poster presentation].  Loyola University Chicago Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium, Loyola University, Chicago, IL.

Broner, S. E., Alvi, A.S.A., Conley, C. S. (2021, November). COVID-19 risk factors among emerging adults: The role of gender, sexual orientation, race, and income in college student mental health [poster presentation]. The 10th annual conference of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, San Diego, CA. 

Bethishou, A., Broner, S. E., Hundert, C. G., & Conley, C. S. (2021, April). Self-compassion moderates the relationship between self efficacy, rumination, and stress in college students [poster presentation]. Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Blum, A., K
irsch, A.C., Meagher, M., Karl, A., & Conley, C.S. (2021, Nov. 18). A Meta-analytic review comparing types of eating disorder treatment programs for adolescents and young adults. [Poster session]. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 55th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Blum, A., Kirsch, A.C., Meagher, M., Karl, A., Nowakowski, L., & Conley, C.S. (2021, May 26). A Meta-analytic review of eating disorder treatment programs compared to controls for adolescents and young adults [Poster session]. Association for Psychological Science Virtual Convention.

Broner, S. E., Hareli, M., Bartolotta, K., Christensen, K., Forbes, N., Blum, A., Raposa, E. B., Conley, C. S. (2021, November 18-21). A meta-analytic look at technology delivered interventions for youth mental health: The role of duration and frequency of use [Poster presentation under review]. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 55th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Chamberlain, M., Hundert, C. G., & Conley, C. S. (2021, April 24-25). The impact of a mindfulness mobile application on compassion and psychological well-being. [Poster presentation].  Loyola University Chicago Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium, Loyola University, Chicago, IL.  Conley, C. S. (2021, November).  Promoting college student well-being and mental health: Evidence-based digital and embedded-care interventions.  Invited talk given at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, pre-conference workshop. 

Donofrio, V.*, Hareli, M.*, Astesano, J., Werntz, A., Raposa, E. B., Conley, C. S., & Rhodes, J. (2021, November 18-21). Challenges and recommendations from piloting a supportive accountability-based technology-delivered intervention (TDI) for adult mentor-youth mentee dyads. In Hareli, M. (Chair), Leveraging Human Support for the Dissemination of Cognitive-Behavioral Skills Through Technology-Delivered Interventions [Symposium]. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 55th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. *Co-Presenters.

Hareli, M., Broner, S. E., Christensen, K., Bartolotta, K., Forbes, N., Blum, A., Raposa, E. B., Conley, C. S., Assink, M. (2021, November 3-5). Assessing the equivalence of mobile technology-delivered interventions and standard treatments for improving youth mental health: A meta-analysis [Poster presentation]. Technology, Mind, and Society Conference.

Hareli, M., Christensen, K., Bartolotta, K., Broner, S. E., Forbes, N., Jones, C., Blum, A., Raposa, E. B., Conley, C. S. (2021, August 12-14). The impact of supportive accountability via mobile app use on youth mental health: A meta-analysis [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
→ Innovative Research Award from APA Division 53 (Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology)

Hareli, M., Hundert, C. G., & Conley, C. S., Asif, C., Rosenfield, J., Seth, M. (2021, March 9-10). Career/life training and mental health outcomes for underserved college students [Poster presentation]. Depression on College Campuses Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. 

Huguenel, B., Hundert, C., Silton, R., & Conley, C. S. (2021, March). Get some Headspace: Connecting adherence to a mindfulness app to well-being outcomes. In L. LaFreniere (Chair), Search and Enjoy: Using technology to enhance and examine positive well-being. Symposium conducted at the annual convention for the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, virtual due to COVID-19.

Huguenel, B., Hundert, C., Kahrilas, I., Silton, R., & Conley, C. S. (2021, November). Chicken or the egg: Exploring the interplay between depression and adherence to a mindfulness app. In N. Zainal (Chair), Mobile apps for depression and anxiety disorders: Promises and pitfalls. Symposium to be conducted at the annual convention for the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New Orleans, LA.

Hundert, C.G., Blum, A., Hareli, M., & Conley, C.S. (2021, March 9-20) The impact of emotional intelligence training on COVID-related worry in college students. Poster to be presented at the annual Depression on College Campuses Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.
Hundert, C. G., Silton, R. L., & Conley, C. S. (2021) , November 18-21). Implementation of peer supportive accountability in a randomized controlled trial of a mindfulness app for depressed college students. In Hareli, M. (Chair), Leveraging
Human Support for the Dissemination of Cognitive-Behavioral Skills Through Technology-Delivered Interventions [Symposium]. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 55th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. 

Ruggieri, A. L., Ceglarek, P., Eisenberg, D., Lipson, S. K., & Conley, C. S. (2020, March 18-19). A person-centered approach to understanding attitudes toward mental health help-seeking [Poster presentation]. Depression on College Campuses Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. (Conference canceled) 

Sardella, V., Huguenel, B. M., & Conley, C. S. (2020, April 23-25). Examining mindfulness as a mediator for the relation between exercise and perceived stress and anxiety in college students [Poster presentation]. Midwestern Psycholog
ical Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (Conference canceled)

Shalwani, S., Hareli, M., Conley, C.S., Asif, C., Rosenfield, J., & Seth, M. (2020, May 21-24). Career and life planning course and emotional intelligence training lead to improved psychological well-being among college students [Poster presentation]. Association for Psychological Science Convention, Chicago, IL.

Shalwani, S., Hundert, C. G., & Conley, C. S. (2020, April 23-25). Depression severity as a moderator for the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation on decreasing somatic symptoms [Poster presentation]. Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (Conference canceled).

Shalwani, S., Hundert, C. G., Hareli, M., Conley, C. (2020, May). Integrating emotional intelligence training into a career and life planning seminar for students transitioning out of college. Poster presented at Loyola University Chicago Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, IL

Bethishou, A., Huguenel, B. M., & Conley, C. S. (2020, April 4). Social Media’s Effect on Body Image: Exploring the Differential Impact of Text Versus Images. [Poster presentation] Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, IL.

Hundert, C. G. & Conley, C. S. (2019, October). Examining social media use and sleep in college students. In M. Iovu (Chair), Technology and Health in Emerging Adulthood. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Toronto, Canada.

Hundert, C. G. & Conley, C. S. (2019, March). Honest, Open, Proud – College: A Peer-Led Group Intervention to Reduce Self-Stigma in College Students with Mental Illness. Paper presented at the annual Stigma and Recovery Symposium at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL. 

Hundert, C. G., Conley, C. S., Charles, J. L. K., Qin, S., & Corrigan, P. W. (2019, March). Peer-led group intervention reduces self-stigma in depressed college students. Poster presented at the ann
ual Depression on College Campuses Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. 

Osos, S., Hundert, C. G., & Conley, C. S. (2019, April). Investigating empathy as a moderator of the relation between sexual violence beliefs and sexual violence behaviors in college students. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 

Osos, S., Hundert, C. G., & Conley, C. S. (2019, April). Perceived stress and relationship skills in undergraduate students: The moderating role of decision-making and problem-solving skills. Poster presented at the annual Loyola University Chicago Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium, Chicago, IL. 

Pittman, K., Sargent, E., Hundert, C., Gaylord-Harden, N. K., Conley, C. S. (2019, April). University students’ appraisal of mental illness stigma: Examining differences by age, gender and ethnicity [Poster presentation].Loyola University Chicago Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium, Loyola University, Chicago, IL.

Ruggieri, A. L., Huguenel, B. M., Ketchen-Lipson, S., Eisenberg, D. & Conley, C. S. (2019, March). The relationship between depression severity and p
erceived and personal stigma in college students [Poster presentation]. Depression on College Campuses Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.

Stetsiv, K., Huguenel, B. M., Silton, R., & Conley, C. S. (2019, April). Effects of a mindfulness mobile app on savoring beliefs and depression [Poster presentation].  Loyola University Chicago Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium, Chicago, IL.

Stetsiv, K., Huguenel, B. M., & Conley, C. S. (2019, October). Assessing the effect of a mindfulness mobile app in decreasing somatic and cognitive anxiety in college students, with non-reactivity as a mediator [Poster presentation]. Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Abdelfattah N., Huguenel, B. M., & Conley, C. S. (2018, April). Patterns of using a mobile application delivering mindfulness exercises: Implications for college student mental health. Poster presented at the Loyola University Chicago Weekend of Excellence, Chicago, IL.

Huguenel, B. M., & Conley, C. S. (2018, August). Fear of missing out: A mediation approach to social media use. Poster presented at the American Psychological Associatio
n Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Hundert, C. G., Conley, C. S., & Corrigan, P. W. (2018, May). Evaluating outcomes of the Honest, Open, Proud intervention in college students with mental illness. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American College Health Association, Washington, D.C. 

Hundert, C. G. & Conley, C. S. (2018, April). Lessons learned from two multi-site studies on college student mental health interventions. Paper presented at the annual Loyola University Chicago Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Symposium.

Huguenel, B. M., Shapiro, J. B., Kirsch, A. C., & Conley, C. S. (2018, April). Re-conceptualizing the college transition: Longitudinal evaluation of psychological distress, well-being, and the impact of gender. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.

Osos, S., Shapiro, J. B., & Conley, C. S. (2018, April). College student commuter status predicts life satisfaction: Investigating mediators. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 

Stetsiv, K., Huguenel, B. M., & Conley, C. S. (2018, April). The role of avoidant coping in predicting depression, stress, and anxiety in college students, with gender as a moderator. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 

Abdelfattah, N., Huguenel, B. M., Shapiro, J. B., & Conley. C. S. (2017, April). Self-efficacy, satisfaction with life, and social support: Unique roles in predicting different types of college adjustment over time.  Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Abdelfattah, N., Shapi
ro, J. B., Huguenel, B. M., & Conley. C. S. (2017, November). Stress’ role as mediator between social connectedness and eating habits. Poster presented at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Washington, D.C. 

Afzal, A., Hundert, C. G. & Conley. C. S. (2017, April). Do mindfulness and spirituality predict substance use in college students?  Poster presented at the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, IL.

Afzal, A., Shapiro, J. B., Huguenel, B. M., & Conley. C. S. (2017, April). Investigating the moderational effect of social support on the relationship between stress and alcohol and substance use during colle
ge.  Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Huguenel, B. M. & Conley. C. S. (2017, November). Investigating the moderating effect of self-insight on social media use and anxiety in college students. Poster presented at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Washington, D.C. 

Hundert, C. G., Shapiro, J. B., & Conley, C. S. (2017, November). Predicting institutional attachment in college students using a serial multiple mediation model: Relations between anxiety, stress, social support, and institutional attachment. Poster presented at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Washington, D.C. 

Hundert, C. G., Shapiro, J. B., Huguenel, B. M., & Conley. C. S. (2017, April). Investigating mediators of the relation between social media and depression. Poster presented at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Shapiro, J. B., Kirsch, A. C., Huguenel, B. M., & Conley, C. S. (November, 2017). Longitudinal evaluation of psychological distress over four years of college and the impact of cognitive-affective strategies and gender. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Diego, CA.

Travers, L. V., Randall, E. T., Shapiro, J.B., Kirsch, A. C., Conley, C. S., & Bohnert, A. M. (2017, April). Looking good and making it seem easy: Understanding the role of effortless perfectionism, body image, and BMI in unhealthy weight-control behaviors among female adolescents and young adults.  Poster presented at the 2017 annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Psychology, Portland, OR.

Haggerty, M., Zanini, G., Karl, A., Huguenel, B., Shapiro, J., Kirsch, A., & Conley, C. (2016, May). Online dating: The implications for body image and disordered eating among college students. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Heard, A., Kirsch, A., Bohnert, A., & Conley, C. (2016, March).  Mindfulness moderates the relation between body image and disordered eating attitudes. Paper presented at the 2016 meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA.

Huguenel, B. M., Shapiro, J., Kirsch, A., Conley, C. S. (2016, October). The moderating effect of positive automatic thoughts on stress and physical health in college students. Poster p
resented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.

Shapiro, J., & Conley, C. (August, 2016). Divergent trajectories of depression and anxiety during the transition to college. Poster presented at the 2016 annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.

Shapiro, J.B., Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2016, May). The development of a subjective sense of adulthood in college. Paper presented at the 2016 annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Zahniser, E., & Conley, C.S. (2016, May). Models of cognitive reappraisal, stress, and mental health. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Clifford, J., Kirsch, A., Shapiro, J., & Conley, C. (2015, May). The complex relationship between stress, college adjustment, resilience, and self-efficacy: Testing a moderated mediation model. Poster presented at the 2015 annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Cook, C., Clifford, J., Kirsc
h, A., & Conley, C. (2015, May). The protective role of identity development on the relationship between low social support and dysfunctional attitudes. Poster presented at the 2015 Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, IL.

Cook, C., Kirsch, A., Shapiro, J., & Conley, C. (2015, May). The protective role of adaptive coping on the relation between disordered eating and well-being. Poster presented at the 2015 Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Haggerty, M., Kirsch, A., Shapiro, J., & Conley, C. (2015, May). Social media use: The implications for mental and physical health. Poster presented at the 2015 Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Haggerty, M., Shapiro, J., Kirsch, A., & Conley, C. (2015, May). The relationship between social media and mental health in college students. Poster presented at the 2015 Loyola University Chicago Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium, Chicago, IL.

Shapiro, J., Kirsch, A., & Conley, C. (2015, October). Components of effective prevention programs for higher education students at-risk of depressive and anxiety disorders. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Miami, FL.

Shapiro, J., Kirsch, A., Conley, C., & Durlak, J. (2015, May). A meta-analytic review of technology-based mental health promotion and prevention programs for higher education students. Paper presented at the 2015 annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Shapiro, J., Kirsch, A., Conley, C., & Durlak, J. (2015, May). Preliminary findings from a meta-analysis of indicated mental health prevention programs for at-risk higher education students. Poster presented at the 2015 American College Health Association Meeting, Orlando, FL.

Travers, L. V., Randall, E. T., Kirsch, A. C., Conley, C. S., & Bohnert, A. M. (2015, April). The role of effortless perfectionism in unhealthy weight control behaviors.  Paper presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

Zanini, C., Shapiro, J., Kirsch, A., & Conley, C. (2015, May). Eating disordered behavior among college women: The influence of sorority membership and maladaptive perfectionism. Poster presented at the 2015 Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Zahniser, E. & Conley, C. (2015, November). Interactions of emotion regulation and stress in predicting college students’ mental health. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, IL.

Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2014, March). Eating disorders: Examining the role of sexual orientation, gender, body image, and social support. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Austin, TX.

Kirsch, A.C., & C
onley, C.S. (2014, May). Meta-analysis of mental health promotion programs for higher education students. Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychology Association Conference in Chicago, IL.

Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2014, May). Sexual orientation and gender impact on predictors of eating symptomatology. Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychology Association Conference in Chicago, IL.

Rad, B., Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2014, May). Spirituality, body dissatisfaction, and eating disorders: Testing a mediational model. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Riley, T., Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C. (2014, February).  Benefits of perceived social support during the college transition. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual meeting, Austin, TX.

Riley, T., Kirsch, A., & Conley, C. (2014, May). Predictors of romantic relationship satisfaction in the college setting. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychology Association Conference in Chicago, IL.

Riley, T., Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C. (2014, March). Spirituality as a moderator between college adjustment and psychological distress and well-being. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Austin, TX.

Riley, T., Kirsch, A., & Conley, C. (2014, May). Spirituality as a moderator between college adjustment and psychological distress and well-being. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychology Association Conference in Chicago, IL. 

Shapiro, J.B., Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2014, May). Trajectories of community and adult identity development in college. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.

Zahniser, E., Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2014, May).  Emotion reappraisal moderates the stress-anxiety association in college students. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.

Brewer, S.K. & Conley, C. S. (2013, October). The longitudinal impact of emotion regulation strategies on emerging adults’ psychosocial wellness. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Chicago, IL.

Heinrichs, G., Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2013, May). Familial social support, body dissatisfaction, and eating disorders: Testing a mediational model. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (October, 2013). Organized and extracurricular activity involv
ement predicting psychosocial health and college adjustment across the first semester of college. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Emerging Adulthood, Chicago, IL.

Kirsch, A.C., & Riley, T., & Conley, C.S. (2013, May). Comparing mental health across the college transition for heterosexual and LGB students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 

Pope, E., Kirsch, A.C. & Conley, C.S. (2013, May). First-generation college students: Does first-generation status moderate the relationship between resilience and college academic success? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 

Riley, T., Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2013, April). Coping strategies and the transition to college: Exploring differences across gender and sexual orientation. Oral presentation at the Mid-America Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference, Eastern Illinois University.

Riley, T., Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2013, May). Coping strategies and the transition to college: Exploring differences across gender and sexual orientation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.  

Ryva, M., Zachar, T., Kirsch, A.C. & Conley, C. (2013, May). Emotion regulation as a mediator between mindfulness and mental health. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL 

Other Presentations from Dr. Conley

Conley, C. S., Rudolph, K. D., & Llewellyn, N. (2012, March). Psychosocial moderators and processes explaining sex-differentiated links between pubertal timing and depression. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Heinrichs, G., Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2012, May). Gender and social support:
First-year college adjustment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2012, May). Well-being and psychological symptomatology across the first year of college. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2012, August).  Examining the role of gender in well-being and psychological symptomatology across the first year of college. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.

Lee, C.,
Dickson, D. A., Pope, E., & Conley, C. S. (2012, March).  Proposing a path from self-esteem to depression during the transition to college.  Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Riley, T., Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2012, May). Sexual orientation and college adjustment: The effect of sexual orientation on identity development and social relationships. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Smith, A., Kirsch, A.C., & Conley, C.S. (2012, May). Effect of commuter status on perceived social support in college students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Andersson, M. A., & Conley, C. S. (2011, May).  Tailoring the writing cure: The roles of distress and perspective taking in expressive writing outcomes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Conley, C. S., Dickson, D. A., Zaddach, C. W., Lata, M. M., Wilson Merriman, S. J., Durlak, J. A. (2011, March). Collaborative relationships to assess and promote student success. General Interest Session presented at the annual conference of NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, Philadelphia, PA.

Conley, C.S., Durlak, J. A., Roln
ik, A.M., & Dickson, D. A. (2011, May). Review and analysis of prevention programs for the college community. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Division 27: Society for Community Research and Action. Chicago, IL.

Conley, C.S., & Travers, L., (2011, October). Promoting psychosocial wellness in emerging adults: Effectiveness of a school-based universal prevention program.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Providence, Rhode Island.

Conley, C.S., Travers, L., & Wilson Merriman, S. J. (2011, May). Effectiveness of a psychosocial wellness promotion program for college students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Division 27: Society for Community Research and Action. Chicago, IL.

Conway, J. & Conley, C. S.  (2011, April).  The effect of living learning programs on coping strategies.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.

son, D. A., & Conley, C. S. (2011, November).  Trajectories of negative affect during the transition to college: A latent growth curve analysis. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.

Dickson, D., Conley, C. S., & Mir, A. A. (2011, March).  The mediating effect of resiliency in the longitudinal relationship between maladaptive coping and depressive symptoms in females. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Dickson, D., Conley, C. S., & Patel, K. (2011, May).  Moderating role of social support on first-year college student outcomes.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Dickson, D.A., Zaddach, C. W., Conley, C. S. & Conway, J.G. (2011, May). Gender, stress, cognitive avoidance and depressive symptoms: A mediational model. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 

Johnson, S. & Conley, C. S.  (2011, April).  Coping methods as predictive factors in disordered eating behavior.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.

Lee, C., Dickson, D. A., Conley, C. S., Rymko, L., & Konyakova, O. (2011, May). Perceived friendship support mediates the relationship between self-esteem and depression. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Patel, K. & Conley, C. S.  (2011, April).  Fostering peer networks for first-generation college students through living learning communities.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.

Stuart, E. & Conley, C. S.  (2011, April).  Gender differences in event reporting: The role of positive automatic thinking.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.

Zaddach, C. W., Conley, C.S., & Klempel, N.M. (2011, May). The psychosocial benefits of living learning programs on students transitioning to college. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Zaddach, C. W., Conley, C.S., & Sullivan, T. (2011, May). College learning communities as a preventive intervention for college students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Division 27: Society for Community Research and Action. Chicago, IL.

Dickson, D., Conley, C. S., & Carey, D. (2010, November). Interaction of gender, avoidant coping, and stressful experiences predicting depression: Important differences between social and non-social contexts. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA. 

Carey, D., Conley, C.S., & Schaff, K. (2010, April).  The effects of perceived social support and gender on depression in first-year undergraduate students.  Poster presented at the annual meeting for the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Dickson, D., Conley, C. S., & Patel, K. (2010, April). Gender differences in coping behaviors as predictors of psychological symptoms. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 

Patel, K. & Conley, C. S.  (2010, April).  The effect of perceived stress on academic outcomes of first-generation college students.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.

Patterson, K. & Conley, C. S.  (2010, April).  Gender differences in the effects of social support and self-efficacy on perceived stress.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.

Rolnik, A.M. & Conley, C.S. (2010, April). The underlying processes of body image and disordered eating. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Rolnik, A.M., Salk, R., Conley, C.S., & Mir, A. (2010, April). The impact of ethnicity on male body image. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 

Conley, C. S. (2009, November).  Emotion regulation in late adolescence: Predicting subsequent adjustment in psychological, social, and health domains. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.

Jenkins, P. & Conley, C. S. (2009, November).  Eating behaviors and quality of life: The moderating effect of coping style. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.

Kenrick, A. C., Conley, C. S., & Richards, M. H. (2009, November).  Predicting maladaptive eating attitudes in adolescence: The role of family factors and body image. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Th
erapies, New York, NY.

Conley, C. S. (2009, October).  Promoting psychosocial wellness in emerging adults transitioning to college:  Preliminary findings from a treatment effectiveness study. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Atlanta, Georgia.

Kenrick, A. C., Conley, C. S., & Kesselring, C. (2009, October).  Academic performance and perceptions of stress: The impact of protestant work ethic. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Atlanta, Georgia.

Kesselring, C., & Conley, C. S., & Kenrick, A. C. (2009, October).  The impact of future orientation on academic adjustment to college. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Atlanta, Georgia.

Rolnik, A.M. & Conley, C.S. (2009, October). The effect of emotion regulation and cognitive processes on body image disturbance in emerging adults. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Atlanta, Georgia. 

Acciavatti, L. & Conley, C. S. (2009, April).  Using active coping and planning skills to prevent psychosocial distress and enhance well-being during the transition into college.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.

Carlino, C. & Conley, C. S. (2009, April).  Positive and negative thinking styles: Relations with positive and negative psychological outcomes in a college sample.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.

Acciavatti, L. & Conley, C. S. (2008, April).  Social support and its effect on self-reported depressive symptoms and alcohol use during the transition to college.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.

Conley, C. S., & Richards, M. H. (2008, March).  Psychological and social adjustment in adolescence: Predicting adaptation to college two years later.  Poster presented at the biennial meeti
ng of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, Illinois.

Oscharoff, A. C., Conley, C. S., & Richards, M. H. (2008, March).  Safe sex practices and sexual satisfaction in adolescence and emerging adulthood: What is really going on? Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, Illinois.



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