Loyola University Chicago, Department of Psychology

Community Presentations
Community Presentations:
The IMPACT Lab Guide to College Student Mental Health: Research-Backed Tools and Strategies to Improve Your Well-Being
Conley, C. S. (2018, August). College student mental health: Prevalence, academic implications, and UNIV resources. Presentation given to University 101 instructors, UNIV Curriculum Conference, Loyola University Chicago.
Conley, C. S. (2017, October). Promoting student well-being in UNIV 101: Relevant research and hands-on tools to benefit our students. Presentation given to University 101 instructors, Loyola University Chicago.
Conley, C. S., Huguenel, B. M., & Hundert, C. G., (2017, Fall). Research findings and programs that IMPACT Loyola students. Series of five presentations given to (1) the Council for Student Success (including the Vice President of Student Development, the Assistant Dean of Students, and the Director of Learning Support and Academic Success), (2) the Division of Student Academic Services (including the Assistant Provost for Student Academic Student Services, the Assistant Director of First and Second Year Advising), (3) the Wellness Center, (4) the Office of Student Transitions and Outreach, and (5) the Coaches Council, Loyola University Chicago.
Conley, C. S., Kirsch, A. C., & Shapiro, J. B., (2013-2014). Loyola’s Project IMPACT: Enhancing student experience and outcomes. Series of four presentations given to (1) the Vice President of Student Development, (2) the Dean of Students’ Office, (3) the Department of Residence Life, and (4) the Office of First Year Experience, Loyola University Chicago.
Conley, C. S., Zaddach, C. W., & Wilson Merriman, S. J., (2011, August). Learning community assessment: Findings from the First Year Survey, 2010-2011. Presentation at the Learning Community Launch Meeting, Loyola University Chicago.
Conley, C. S., Wilson Merriman, S. J., Zaddach, C. W., Dickson, D. A., Lata, M. M., Durlak, J. A. (2010, August). Learning community assessment: Findings from the First Year Survey, 2009-2010. Presentation at the Learning Community Launch Meeting, Loyola University Chicago.
Conley, C. S., Wilson Merriman, S. J., Dickson, D. A., Zaddach, C. W., Lata, M., M., Durlak, J. A. (2010, Summer). The First Year Survey: Preliminary findings from 2009-2010. Series of seven presentations given to Loyola University Chicago administrators, faculty, staff, and student leaders.
Conley, C. S., Kelly, B. T., & Murphy, B. A. O. (2010, March). Women in the workforce. Invited panel presentation for Loyola University’s Women’s History Month.
Conley, C. S. (2007, March). The psychological and social experience of puberty in adolescent girls. Presentation given to students in the Delta Delta Delta sorority, Knox College, Galesburg IL.
Conley, C. S. (2002, January). Teens and stress. Interview with students from University High School, Urbana, Illinois, for WILL public radio (an affiliate of National Public Radio and the University of Illinois).
Conley, C. S., Eisengart, J. E. (2001, May). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the classroom: What is it and what can I do? Presentation to teachers and staff at Jefferson Middle School, Champaign, Illinois.
Eisengart, J. E., Conley, C. S., & Hopkins, N. (2001, April). Self-injury among teenagers: Explanations and alternative ways of coping. Presentation to students at University High School, Urbana, Illinois.