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​Honest, Open, Proud (HOP) for Reducing Mental Illness Stigma

In partnership with two other colleges and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), our lab assessed the effectiveness of Honest, Open, Proud - College (HOP), a peer-led intervention program to reduce self-stigma among college students who identify as living with mental illness. The intervention -- conducted over 4 sessions in a small-group format -- emphasizes empowering students to make informed decisions about disclosing their mental illness in a thoughtful manner. Participants in the intervention and control group completed measures on self-stigma, stigma-related stress, empowerment, symptoms of depression and anxiety, relationship satisfaction, and institutional attachment before, during and after the intervention. Data were combined across multiple study sites. 

To read about the results of the study, see:

Conley, C. S., Hundert, C. G., Charles, J. L., Huguenel, B. M., Al-khouja, M., Qin, S., ... & Corrigan, P. W. (2020). Honest, open, proud–college: Effectiveness of a peer-led small-group intervention for reducing the stigma of mental illness. Stigma and Health, 5(2), 168-178.

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